Dec 28th 2024
December 28th
I'm, so tired!!!!
I'm just finishing the final bats I need to mail, 12 heads to be flipped, stuffed, and sewn onto the bodies.
And then I'm laying down for a month and dying. Hopefully I'll take the time to get some part of my brain adjusted.
I figure I'll spend time to change up this site, honestly my issue is I keep setting out to make a website design first and a blog setup around that, when really I just want a blog first and the rest of the website second. So I'm going to change that and let it expand naturally.
Merry Christmas and all that jazz!!! sorry I don't have energy for more!!! I'm barely human rn! See you next year if not sooner!
Also, new Eve MV dropped on christmas
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Dec 11th 2024
December 11th doodles
Christmas Crunch beating my ass

Saw a cg of my beautiful meow meow and my heart returned to peace though. I can make it. I'm ok.

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December ?? 2024
I'm Alive
Christmas crunch came late but it came nonetheless. I thought I was gonna have a broke but peaceful December, but Christmas bat orders are beating my ass rn. The spirit of blogging will return to me when I'm alive.

Ahhh thank youu!!!!! I hope you're settling well after The End(of cohost).
It really was! I miss it's leaves dearly. They stuck on for a while but sadly November here gets cold and blustery and we're well into december now, so my beloved is now naked and frozen, alas. ;_;
I finished up all the Cohost bats shortly into November thankfully! Doing grinds like that are something I've trained for through many many christmas and pride months alike! Now it's Christmas's turn to kick my ass with it's bat orders!! Everyone was very kind and understanding that the orders took a little longer than expected (since i didn't adjust my dispatch time to account for so many lmao). Thank you and thank you to everyone who ordered a lil something during my farewell Cohost sale. I hope you all enjoy your eggbug doodles c:
And one more thank you!!!!!! I hope so, and I hope you can also have some deserved peace and love on planet earth. Mwah

HELL YEAH HELL YEAH HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Oct 23rd 2024
Look at this fuckin tree
October 23rd, 2024
Ok it's too big to show properly because of blog scrolling format but I don't care.

Look at this beautiful colour gradation!! The blossoming reds dispering into oranges and yellows before settling into it's natural summer greenery.
I'm actually really happy to see this outside my window every day, because there's been this like, tree sickness around. Some kind black mold that kills leaves early and just looks diseased. This tree was a big victim of it, and usually lost a lot of foilage before it could experience it's fall turnover. There's still a bit of it, if you go down and look, but damn it's really bounced back!!! Ganbatte tree-kun...
Anyways, I am here, to yap, on the internet, as I do. Hello gang. I work in all manners on the internet in a feast or famine kinda way. You get to see me being really annoying and present only for a couple weeks and then I vanish for a few weeks or months. Feast, Feast!!
Day 4 progress
Still at it!! It's going, surprisingly, well?
Today I decided to go youtube/musicless overall, instead deciding to spend my sewing hours playing through more Twisted Wonderland. I stopped doing the story around a third of the way into chapter 5 and just, that was like a year ago or something. I managed to almost get through the entire chapter and plan on finishing up a bit more work tonight to get to the end.
It's an easy read while working. The main story is fully voiced, so it gives the auto text function a pretty good feel for how long to hang on a textbox. I think I'll try catching up on some fgo when I run out of twst content to read, but the auto function just never felt right. Either too fast or way too slow, and you can set it yourself but I just can't find a sweet spot!!!
Plus twst is pretty low gameplay. A chapter is like, 85% visual novel with the occasional battle or rhythm game segment. I've done nothing but make a strong squad instead of doing the story, so I can pretty safely just auto generate an elemental team and let it fight for itself. The rhythm segments are the only part that requires active input, and it asks like a minute, minute and a half of your time every 2 hours. It's pretty chill.
Does this aid my current goals of cutting down on distractions and dopamine in my life?
Honestly? Yeah
My ranking of things that turn my brain into sludge has SocMed(#1, the devil) and Youtube/podcasts at the top. They're default states of being that I've just let take over my life. They do not require me to actively participate, just consume. If a youtube video has too much video content I just go find something else generally. It's just the background noise of my life.
Paired with those videos would be idle games. They're the perfect brainless activity to occasionally give me something to tap and be busy with so I was doing something more than just boring work completely. Trick my brain into thinking we could have fun while we sewed a billion bats.
These things paired have eaten up a lot of my life. Also farming games, I love harvest moon, but I can't lie and say it hasn't just become something I play because I want something that doesn't require me to turn off the video playing in my ears when I'm away from the pc chillin in bed.
Basically, I've forgo'd a lot of my in the last decade because I've just kinda put my senses on auto pilot and given into the ease of these things.
So yeah, am I playing a game/reading while I sew bats? Yeah. It's great. I've wanted to continue the story in twst for a long time, but just couldn't bring myself to do it because I'm unable to do anything I actually want to do in life. So to be able to kinda, chip away one of the bricks in that wall is pleasant.
I'll eventually run out of twst content, and find I don't want to play fgo again, and have to figure out where to go from there. That eventually and quite soon, I'll be back to commission work that doesn't allow me the ease of reading a vn as I pay my rent, and have to jump into the deep end. Go back to youtube while I work (not ideal) or sink for a bit until I'm used to my favourite toy being taken away.
This is the ease up into that!! I'm gently lowering myself into the lake!!
Anyways, I got in 7 hours yesterday and so far have slammed out 6 today. It's getting late (8pm)but as I said I do want to do a bit more work, so I'll aim for the 7hr mark and finish up my chapter.
I WAS planning on taking today off
But I have workaholic disease, even if sometimes I can't even do a full work day, it's all I focus on and that ruins the rest of my day. If I have the energy to work then I'll work. If I don't have the energy to work then I don't have the energy for other things.
Also it was supposed to be sunny today but it was cloudy and cold and I didn't want to go to the waterfront on a cloudy cold day :(
I did do my laundry though like I planed. I'll take that victory.
I did take it easy on myself and slammed through the second half of the book I've been reading. I have a lot of complains about it, especially the first 60%, but I've already written that blog post in my brain earlier today so actually typing it out sounds like a hassle. I'll complain about it later if I feel like it. I write a lot of blog posts in my brain. Pick them out yourself before the season is over!!
God I'm incredibly bad at taking days off. Let's see if I can clear my queue before my brain burns to a crisp.
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Oct 22nd 2024
Progress Report
October 22nd, 2024
First of all!! Hi Belder!!

True!! I feel a need to check them even though 99.9% of the time there's nothing pressing for me to respond to and keep up on.
But well, honestly, 99% of the time I spend on social media is not spent growing my social media!! It's just scrolling and scrolling and scrolling...
If I must grow on SM then I'll work on that after I kick it's overwhelming influence on my attention span. A big issue is I'll do good but then finish a commission, and then spend a lot of time checking SM to see the notifications for that commission... And blow my previous self restraint outta the water. Then I go back to just scrolling and scrolling....
I figure I'll just have to dedicate certain times/days in the future to SM management. It'll be nice once bluesky gets the ability to schedule posts so I can load some up and walk away!!
How'd yesterday go though?
Great! But the early days are always the easier ones, right? You're full of pep n vinegar, excited at the new ways you're gonna change your life, before it becomes rote and boring and you're back to your old ways.
But what I want, is exactly that!! Boring!!
I need to make my brain enjoy the simpler things in life! To enjoy the process of work because it's the amusement I'm feeding it!!
I got a full 8 hours of work done yesterday!!!! I've been building up to that since I've been in my bat crunch period (the first I've had since I fucked my back doing the last one lmao) so it's nice to finally hit that checkpoint again. 6 Hours is a victory but getting in a solid 8 hours is the ideal, ya know?
I spent half of yesterday working to youtube videos, mainly a lot of "why u should quit social media/how to focus" stuff because that's what I'm interested in right now. I didn't make any "eureka!" moments obviously, but it's nice to reinforce what I'm attempting to do is something others also think is right, ya know?
The biggest takeaways is
- Do your stretches!! Get up and move to improve your overall health!!
- Don't use your 5 minute breaks to browse social media/do fun things.
I'm a big proponent of pomodoro timing. It's how I track my work. I slam 16 ticks up on my whiteboard every day and erase one for every pomodoro block (25 minutes). The issue is I don't usually take that 5 minute break you're supposed to after every session!!
Instead I just bank them to take a half hour break more often, or just flutter away when I've had enough. That's not how it works though!! Those 5 minute breaks are to tidy up, organize your workspace, do some stretches!
By skipping those, or filling them with things that make my brain happy, I'm just making my brain starve for the breaks when it should be idealy starving for the work, if that makes sense!!
It's hard to focus when you're watching the clock for that next chance you get to fuck around on your phone!
So after I felt I got enough reinforcement outta videos I slammed on some lofi beats and admittedly read some of the twisted wonderland event story while I worked lmao. Which is better than just listening to youtube videos imo, seeing as it's always pulling teeth to make me read story content in games and especially gacha... So that's a win! I'm taking it!! I'll daisy chain my way down from least to most effort of things to do while I work with Youtube at the Easiest and Nothing as the Hardest lmaoo, I'll get there!
I actually did a good job staying off social media as a whole yesterday. Did I occasionally jump on for 30 seconds to clear notifications and at worst maybe see the top couple posts? Sure! But spending at maximum MAXIMUM 10 minutes throughout the entire day on SM is an amazing change from the hours I was doing before. So I'll take it! As long as I can avoid scrolling I'll be able to keep the demon at bay!
Today's recommendation
Anyways one of my favourite artists joined bsky and followed me yippee (Them following me doesn't matter but it did help me find out that they finally made one!)
I ask you once again her to read her comics!! I think all of them are free at this point (previously the one shots were paid content, but now they have extras if you chuck her a few bucks instead). You've heard me recommend Spellcross before and you will hear me recommend Spellcross again in the future by god.
You can find them all here!! [Link]
The easiest entry point would be obviously, the one shots. If Wandering The Infinite Dungeon vibes with you then jump right into Spellcross, you won't be disappointed!!
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Oct 21st 2024
I will not stop complaining about social media
October 21st, 2024
It's another one of these posts lads, but hopefully they'll stop being so frequent with the steps I'm taking.
A tale old as time, I'm trying to drastically cut down on social media in my casual life.
Today is the first day I'm taking real steps, as I tried yesterday and horribly failed! I was actually cutting down on it last week but then twitter decided to cut off their own legs (removing blocking essentially and forcing users to agree to AI scraping of their data). So now everyone is rushing over the bluesky, but for like, real this time. And enjoying themselves momentarily.
As a self employed person who would like to continue to be able to take commissions going forward, I of course gotta rebuild over there. I was already in the process of using it more professionally, but now it's like, go go go! Get posting! Make sure people know you exist!! So my tamed brainrot was allowed to go feral for a few days there
Ah well, quitting addictions is not a simple matter. There's a lot of valleys and highs, ya know?
And it is an addiction. I've been addicted to reading what people say on the internet for 23 slutty slutty years now. Hell, earlier, but Gaia Online was the first forum I joined.
So I've bounced around, reading everything in my path since then, from gaia to misc forums + webcomics, to 4chan and then tumblr and then twitter to now bluesky(with a whole lotta discord in there too!!!).
I've always just wanted to read what the people have to say!!! I've never been the chattiest myself, sometimes in spurts, I'm da lurker baby.
But I need to change that so by god I'm trying again for the sake of myself, my creativity, my ability to fucking exist as more than a pile of sludge!!!
I'm just, gonna do my best. And accept I can always do better, even if I slip. I'd ideally like to do a full dopamine deprivation month sometime but I think I'd explode if I tried to mix that with having to do my job. Especially right now when I'm just making a fuck ton of bats every day. I can only do that so long without youtube to keep me company!!!
So, day 2!! I failed yesterday but by god it counts! I can't just keep having day 1 forever until it works!
Today I woke up, spent a few minutes checking bsky and then twitter and then fucked off of them. Good job me. I do want to stop doing that, take my phone outta my bedroom at night, but I didn't do that last night so the usual routine occured.
At lunch time, I checked bsky and twitter for a total of like 1 minute just to see notifications and then yeeted myself out.
I reorganized my phone so it'll be more annoying to get on google(i don't use phone apps for social media) and decided that if I'm taking a break that includes phone time I'm going to default to playing colour picross n shit. I even moved google somewhere else and just replaced the quick shortcut with google maps because that's a more important app!!
Tonight I'll allow myself one more quick check to make sure things are in order, and then try to keep my phone outta the room when I go to bed.
It's not like anyone is calling me generally, so there's no pressing matters that makes it so I NEED it nearby. Just my insanity.
I wish I like, lived with someone who could steal away my access to these things so I didn't have to battle my own lack of discipline, but I don't! So I have to do it on my fucking own! Again! And Again! Until it works!!!
Good luck! Good fucking luck to me!! This is all I'm going to be chattering about for the next while I'm sorry!! I need to hyperfixate on fixing myself!!!
Anyways, on other news, this is the jam of the month.
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Oct 11th 2024
October 11th, 2024

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Oct 10th 2024
October 10th, 2024

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Oct 9th 2024
Crushed by the internet - Incoherent rambling
October 9th, 2024
I feel like I'm drowning.
Today I looked at youtube comments on a horror game video to see theories, and very quickly just saw people devolving into attacking each other over if fatphobia was real or not.
This week I made the mistake of replying to a friend on twitter while I was settling down for bed. I shouldn't of replied to someone on twitter touched it because I put my foot in my mouth apparently. Many suchs cases.
This month the algorithm on twitter has become increasingly toxic. It's pushing more and more anime culture war at me. I look at a friend's tweet and it decides that it should recommend me the drama of the week beneath it everytime.
Even trying to quit SNS, my friends get mad at people on twitter so they come to discord to complain about them, dragging even more mud into my life.
For years now I've dreaded anyone interacting with me on twitter, because just the nature of the site makes every interaction a chance for PVP.
The modern internet does nothing but make my anxiety explode. The thought of anyone knowing I have an Opinion on anything grows a lump in my throat and makes me want to puke.
A thousand new ways to fuck up social interactions and 99.9% of the time I don't even have to participate to know someone hates that I exist.
There is no peace and love on planet earth, I should just rot in my bed until it's over.
Ok there is peace and love on planet earth actually. Yasorou on tumblr just posted these cute lil fuckers and you should click the image to see the full photoset thank u.

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Oct 8th 2024
I got nothing done today!!!!!
October 8th, 2024
I'm suffering the monthly blood curse lads, it sucks!! It hit me super rough today, ooooughhhhh!!
I saw Look Back last night in theaters though. I'd like to talk more about my thoughts on some bits and pieces of it later because I loved the one shot and stuff about people becoming artists always gets me good!! It was good!! They really Got Fujimoto's style for the girls.... they look amazing!!
Anyways it gave me the inspo to finally get my other table setup for art. Earlier this year I snagged a good sized display tablet for a good price because I've always wanted to try it out,
My desk just doesn't have the room for it/proper setup to make it work!!! I can't redo my entire desk just for it, I have to work here!! And game here! And it's a U desk to it's a bit shorter to my left n right ya know? It just didn't work out at all.
At the start of this year I set up a desk behind this desk to do my sewing work at. I enjoyed it, but eventually moved back to my U desk because I'm just a widdle creature of habit... I'm comfortable here... So my other desk has been just another place to help me when I have to arrange a lot of fabric n stuff.
Seeing Fujino last night though with her fuckoff huge tablet had me go, man, I should set mine back up. I could put it at my other desk... I can just set it up with my laptop....

So I did.
I already had a widdle bluetooth mouse and a widdle bluetooth keyboard so I'm set actually! Any issues I could think of were quickly taken care of by past me. Thanks!
I really do enjoy also drawing with my huion(not display) tablet, I've used drawing tablets since I was like 16 lmao. It's built into me. But there's a certain feeling to being able to draw directly onto the screen. I just gotta get used to it, it's a pretty big change!
So now, I can do both! I can draw at my main computer or shuffle over 5 feet and play with my display tablet!
Switching back to my regular monitor is already feeling weird though. I had used my display tablet as my main monitor since I set it up and was too lazy to switch back to my old ones. The gamma on it is a lot worse?fuckier? So even though I feel I've properly calibrated this one it feels soooo intense. So bold, strong!! But I had a similar onboarding process when switching to my display, so give it a few days and I'll adjust. The human brain is amazing.
Oh yeah, on the previous topic of "I will shrimply find art in places that isn't social media", an artist I discovered on Cohost and then lost because they deleted(I tracked down their other socials) just sent out a newsletter! They're sharing their Goretober 2018-2019 collections for free from today until early November.
Their work is spectacular, but of course it is Goretober work so please mind the content warnings when viewing. You should be able to suss out if you're interested based on them being Gore before even clicking that link. There's content warnings at the top before you get to see any art so I trust you'll be fine.
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Oct 7th 2024
I'm Alive!!! I promise!!
October 7th, 2024
I held the big blowout cohost sale and shocked pikachu face, I got a lot of orders, so that's what's been taking up my time lately.
It's good though, this means I can chunk down my credit card debt and not worry about taking more commissions this month, yippee!!
Just means I have less time for other stuff since I want to focus on getting these done. Alas!!
I feel I've had a lot less work discipline since I was very limited in the hours I could work last year/early this year due to my sciatica. Now that it's been kinder to me I need to really crack down on myself and get this done.
So I'm focusing this month on: Getting lots of work done, and trying to also focus on being healhier. My self control has fallen apart... I need to eat better!! Walk more!!
The last month I've been trying to use my exercise bike more since I realized I can just watch anime on my chromecast while I do it. Too bad that didn't work too well I still fucking hate exercise bikes!! It sucks!!
But thanks to the extra sale pay I got myself a walking pad! Knock on wood but it's real nice so far! Much easier to get myself to walk for a half hour and watch JJK than it was to bike through an episode. I love walking!!!
I had a good spree of walking like an hour a day but it fell off because it's just the same streets over and over...
But I've solved that problem!! And now I can play walkscape indoors now throughout the winter when if I go for a walk outside too much I'll eventually end up falling on ice and fucking up my back again lmao. Winters can be harsh here. It snows then warms up then snows again so it's just a constant state of ice!!
Walkscape is good. It's basically runescape but instead of clicking you do tasks by walking. Great concept, 10/10. It's currently in closed beta but once it's in open beta I'll yell about it to everyone I promise. Let's party up!!
The good thing about the work though is it's gotten me back into doing work streams again. They're fun!! I love to just yap while I make bats all day. And people seem to really enjoy it!! Yayyyyy!! Last week I did a watchalong for the video game Deep Fear because it has the best voice acting/shlockiest 80's horror manga writing out there. Horrible game to play, amazing art piece to experience.
The only other thing going on right now is my ass really needs to just stop using social media... I hate it. I'm sick of it. I love seeing artists but I'll just fill my life up with other ways to experience art.
I still gotta like, post art and commissions on there but as a casual browsing experience I'm tearing myself away.
Horrible platform for communication. Only good for seeing foreigner artists. I'm over it, I'm over it!!
I'll continue to use tumblr because it's not just blue checkmark engagement farm slop and I don't want to be completely disconnected from the internet. But it doesn't cause me to doomscroll or waste every other moment on it like the others do. I just peek on occasionally, see some Toskarin bangers, and then move on with my day.
Maybe I'll cut myself off from that eventually but I'm not worried. As long as I'm filling up my life with mostly other things it's fine!!
Also I got UFO 50, it's a banger. You should get UFO 50 on steam. It's so good, this is videos games baby!!!
That's it for now. I don't have time to write anything indepth so here's the cliffnotes!
I still need to setup a guestbook or contact page here properly but if ya really wanna say something I dunno chuck me an email. site name + (don't want to open that to spammers by just slapping it here plaintext). You can figure it out.
Bye bye bye!!
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Sept 19 2024 again
A bit of a vent post about the internet
September 19th 2024
Everyone is writing about the end of Cohost and their interaction with social media and the internet so why not I jump on the bandwagon a bit.
This may be a tad negative and unkind to myself but god damn.
I'm so sick of the internet. God I'm so addicted to the internet. To my computer in general. I wish I could just cut the cord and live in the woods (if there was a world where mosquitos and blackflies didn't exist).
Real talk? Cohost not having numbers didn't do shit.
The only thing it changed was I didn't instinctively judge someone when clicking on their profile and seeing their amount of follows like twitter has trained me and everyone else to do. Don't lie, it jumpstarts your expectations and changes how you go on to investigate their account. I hate that. I hate that it trained me to do that. But Cohost didn't invent Not showing follower numbers, but I appreciate it didn't have them. That's something I missed about tumblr after all.
But for me, on social media, the issue isn't the numbers under the content. I don't care if my art gets 10 retweets and 100 likes or if it gets 100000000 retweets. The number being bigger is always cool, but the number being low never caused me any illness like it did others, ya know? Numbers are numbers.
But it still gave me notifications. It still had a lil orange number on my screen that said (1) or (24) or whatever. That's the LET'S GO GAMBLING of social media. It didn't matter WHO gave me the number, but I'd click it as soon as I saw it none the less. Just to see, just to clear it off my fucking screen.
Could I disable certain kinds of notifications? Sure! I did at one point. I just ended up turning them back on, because I have brain disease, as we all do. If cohost had it so you could choose to publicly show your follower #s at the top of the screen you'd probably turn it off, but some people would leave it on, and you'd judge them automatically, right? If the option to electrocute yourself lightly is there eventually people press the button out of boredom. I enabled notifcations out of boredom. What's a lil shock afterall?
So yes. You couldn't count your numbers accurately, but they still existed. You had vibes and mental metrics for how Numbers your post was doing. Your following was doing. It was a lighter form of torture but I was still being tortured, ya know?
I hate the internet.Sometimes I wonder, should I just go back to 4chan? Having a numberless, anonymous existence is nice afterall. You can have conflict and it won't end up in someone's folder of Times You Were a Bad Person and there are Now Enough That You Should Kill Yourself being posted online 10 years later.
But I peek in and it's just slop as it always was, but Worse. Because it got Worse every summer and now it's been like 12 years since I've bothered with it so that means it's at least 12x worse now. I should spend less time consuming slop on the internet and read some fucking books or something anyways, so I'm not going back there lol.
It's all slop! Every platform! Tumblr still has people actually blogging and talking long form about cool things I'm interested in, but if you don't curate it properly you fall into slop! Pointless! A pointless existence is all that exist s on social media!!
"Damn TIFF just quit the internet" I can't! I WORK here! I make my living off the internet! I have a fucked brain and a slightly fucked body and years of retail trauma and I'm not fucking going back my dude! You want me to spend 10 years building an online business just to say fuck it and try to beg for a job at the local grocery store where I'll be spit on by customers? I would genuinely rather Kill Myself.
This wouldn't be so bad if my brain just worked good and I could crank out 6-10 hour work days like I used to. I feel I hit 4 hours and I'm out of steam out of mental energy out of everything. I hate it here bro. I'm crushed under stress and the economy and the rental market has a sword over my head waiting for the day it can kill me. Ugh. Even if I got a full time retail gig I wouldn't be making enough money to live. I'd be able to separate "Me time" and "Work time" though. That division is so nice. A reason to be out of my apartment a few times a week would be nice. I wish I had a widdle studio I could go to to work or draw or whatever but alas. Instead I sit here wracked with guilt that I'm not working or I'm not drawing or being productive that I haven't given enough blood today to validate my existence.
Ok moving on from that.I prefer putting effort into the internet, and I hope people genuinely put more time into making their own sites.
My favorite thing is that I've muscle memoried my favorite webcomics and can go to them, knowing they updated when they should of updated. I don't have to keep an eye on social media to see them, they just exist, on their own sites, and have for like 20 years or whatever at this point. Some people use RSS feeds for this, not me, I just raw dog it I guess. I miss Homestuck, it was the skinnerbox of webcomics. Sometimes it'd update like 10x a day, sometimes it would be once a week, sometimes youd be like whew that sure was 12 posts he's done for now, and return 2 hours later to see he started posting MORE. You'd alert your buds! It was a good time.
I wish more artists had sites.A big reason why I want my own site is because I'm just impressed with Funamusea's. I love that there's just a huge section of her site dedicated to her OCs where you can see like 100+ of her character art laid out. It's so cool. I wish I was an artist.
She's probably the artist I keep up to date on the most not for any deep love and respect, but because she has a cool website I can go to where I can check her blog and see if there's any doodles or whatever she did recently. It's a space that isn't Social Media I can go. I want more of that for artists I care about!!
I want my site to be a place people can go like once a week to see if I'm still alive. Still creating.
But I create less and less, so do I even have a place online? It's hard to justify my existence when I'm not making stuff. I don't have a game that you'll love forever even if I die. I don't have writing you can keep revisiting. I have like, a couple eyecatch illustrations and boring photos of commissions I've done. I don't feel there's much to me. The me that people see is paper thin. I can't express myself well, and I express myself even worse to not at all with art.
fumu fumu
If I write more on that I will shrimply stress myself out though lmao. I hope I can create something I'll be remembered by if I die someday.
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Sept 19 2024
Babies first blog post
Sept 19 2024
I'm gonna try to keep this blog going without relying on a solution like zonelets. It'll be rough, messy, but really, I don't care!!!
It shouldn't be too complicated!

Anyways I haven't drawn much lately so I'm taking doodle request before cohost dies.
Kojanue wanted their widdle form in whatever cute outfit I could come up with so this is what I came up with.
Just give a character pauldrons and a cape!! They're magical now! It's fantasy! Gold trim MANDATORY!